Bold, pure vanilla for conscious cuisine

Exceptional products

We unearth exceptional vanillas from the world's finest terroirs, grown and prepared with respect for tradition. Our aim is to provide our customers with optimum traceability, offering a product that is both gourmet and ethical.

All products for professionals

We unearth exceptional vanillas from the world's finest terroirs, grown and prepared with respect for tradition. We want our customers to benefit from optimum traceability, so we can offer a product that's both gourmet and ethical.

All products for private customers
All products for professionals All products for private customers
Malagasy farmer

NOROHY commitments

At Norohy, we're committed to shaking up standards and contributing to a more virtuous and transparent industry.

To this end, we are committed to transparency with regard to the quality and ingredients used, as well as to the traceability of our products. We are committed to working with producers to promote sustainable agricultural practices. We also aim to reduce our carbon footprint through concrete daily actions. Last but not least, we aim to educate both amateurs and professionals alike about the uses of vanilla and the ingredients we offer.

Discover Norohy
Cueillette récolte de la vanille - Norohy