• Salt 6g
    • Mineral water 100g
    • European-style butter 65g
    • All-purpose flour 220g
    • White vinegar 2g
    • Beurre manié 310g

    Dissolve the salt in the cold water.
    Use the paddle attachment in the mixer to combine the
    European-style butter and flour until they form into crumbs.
    Add the water and salt mixture.
    Mix quickly for a few moments.
    It is vital you don’t mix for too long as this will toughen
    the dough.
    Take the dough out of the mixer and form it into a
    rectangular shape twice as long as the beurre manié.
    Cover up the dough and store at 35°F (2°C) for approx.
    6 hours.
    * Optional: It’s important to use vinegar if you are storing
    your dough for a longer period in the refrigerator or freezer.
    Place the beurre manié on the détrempe and give it two
    double turns, with 6-hour rest period between each one
    at 35°F (2°C).

    • European-style butter 220g
    • Pastry flour 90g

    Use the paddle attachment in a food processor to mix the
    European-style butter and flour.
    Beat them until they are fully combined.
    Turn out the beurre manié and shape it into a rectangle.
    Cover up the dough and store it in the refrigerator at 35°F
    (2°C) for approx. 6 hours.

    • Egg yolks 30g
    • Whole eggs 85g
    • Sugar 65g
    • Egg whites 55g
    • Sugar 20g
    • Pastry flour 45g

    Beat the yolks, whole eggs and the larger portion of sugar
    in a mixer.
    Separately, beat the whites and add the smaller portion
    of sugar.
    Mix the stiffened whites with the other mixture and finally
    add the sifted flour.
    Weigh the sponge and spread it evenly onto a silicone sheet.

    • Mineral water 150g
    • Sugar 40g
    • NOROHY orange blossom water 10g

    Bring the water and sugar to a boil. Leave to cool.
    Then, add the orange blossom water.
    Store in the refrigerator.

    • UHT whole milk 540g
    • Whole eggs 100g
    • Sugar 80g
    • Cornstarch 50g
    • SOSA gelatin powder 220 Bloom 6g
    • Water for the gelatin 30g
    • NOROHY orange blossom water 35g
    • Heavy cream 36% 160g

    Bring the milk to a boil and combine with the eggs, sugar
    and cornstarch mixture. Bring this new mixture to a boil.
    Add the rehydrated gelatin. Cool down quickly.
    Beat the pastry cream until smooth and add the orange blossom
    water before finally incorporating the whipped cream.
    Use immediately.

    • Absolu Cristal neutral glaze 180g
    • Mineral water 20g

    Bring the Absolu Cristal neutral glaze to a boil in water.
    Immediately apply using a spray gun at approx. 175°F

    • SOSA slivered blanched almonds As needed
    • NOROHY Organic Madagascan Vanilla Bean Powder As needed
    • Mirabelle plums 1300g

    Make the puff pastry.
    Make the sponge, spread 600g into each 40 × 60cm tray
    and bake at 450°F (230°C) for approx. 6 minutes in a
    ventilated oven. Prepare the steeping syrup.
    Roll out the puff pastry to a depth of 2mm, then cut it
    into 9cm rounds.
    Place a puff pastry disk on an upside-down 6cm diameter
    flared tart mold.
    Prick the bases and then place a silicone mat and a tray
    on top of the puff pastry disks to prevent them from
    puffing outwards.
    Bake at 355°F (180°C) for 40 minutes. Leave to cool.
    Cut the sponge into 6cm rounds and steep these in the
    Make the diplomat cream then use a pastry bag fitted
    with a 10mm nozzle to place 25g in each puff pastry base.
    Put the soaked biscuit disk in place and then pipe another
    25g of diplomat cream 2/3mm from the edge. Wash the
    mirabelle plums then slice them in half.
    Remove the stones.
    Arrange the mirabelle plums evenly on the diplomat cream.
    Heat the Absolu glaze and water then use it to coat the
    mirabelle plums. Place a few roasted slivered almonds
    on top and use a sieve to sprinkle the desserts with vanilla

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